Me and the girls decided to take a short trip to one of Swedens most popular amusementparks called Skara Sommarland. When we arrived yesterday we had a very nice and sunny evening but also way too much mosquito fighting going on. Today we had some clouds and a little rain but out through the afternoon the sun came out and we used that opportunity to get wet.
Nice! But Karlstad is better, unfortunately we don't have any waterland here, lol.
-Looks like a fun time! I had my vacation last weekend, turned out to be a total disaster. It's good someone had a good time this summer.
You can tell how the weather will be in the next days?
I will stay near by Arvika for two weeks. Love Swedish (Mid)summer!
I second with Kazzie. I was with her and the most amusing thing I have from the trip is the bubbles on my arm from my sunburn.
i'm glad you had fun!! my summer has been boring as hell!!
Nice n_n have a good time!
Nice one Skinny, got to say the closest London gets to a waterpark is a puddle on the ground. However, spain has some of the best water parks around. If you go to spain go to one of their waterparks it is really mind blowing. Unforunetly for us here in London, it does not get sunny enough to have a park like that...most fun we have is probably a playground slide. Oh how very rock n roll of me! lol
awww ahahaha that picture is priceless!! hope you had a fun timee(:
<3 u skinny
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