We just got the news that British Airways are still in strike which means that we can't go to Mexico tomorrow as planned. We have to go on Tuesday morning which means that we don't get any time to see the city. My friend William had already sorted a time for me to get a tattoo and show us around in Mexico City. This sucks so much. Why are people going on strike? The should be happy they have a job.
BA are eeeeeevil.
it is ALL about virgin atlantic. you get better free socks.
hope you get there though. lucky mexicans...
aaawww! this is a BIG shame my friend!! Sadly U won't get the tattoo besides We won't have time to go out around the city!! :( :(
guess I'll meet U n' J directly at hotel to say hi, share the presents n' get a couple of beers!! ;)
Take care Skinny, see U soon man! :)
I agree, Virgin Atlantic give you epic free socks XD
Shame about the tattoo... you're running out of space on your arms so I'm really curious... *eg* hope you're still going to have a great time.
Ooooh too bad D:
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