Me and Jeanette took the train to Arvika on Saturday morning in company of Helena. After a two hour train ride from Oslo we installed ourselves at the nearest bar to wait for Whiplasher.
With the help of Helenas friend Jannika we made it to "Olssons Brygga" where Bone and Erica joined up.

Bone was jealous and wanted to have a beer as well so he drove us to the festival area, parked his car and we walked straight into the "Party Backstage".
At first the weather was really nice and hot but all of a sudden the sky turned black and we made it into the beer tent for shelter. 20 minutes passed and the benches, couches and tables were literary floating around the area.

When the weather calmed down a bit it was time to head for the dressing room to put on make-up and set up the PARTY-speakers with the PARTY-playlist in the PARTY-IPod.

Quite exhausted after the show it took me about 1 1/2 hour to move my ass out of the dressing room down to the backstage bar. Apparently an old personality of mine came along to party, we all know him as "Attentione".

Around 1 AM it was time to retire back to the "hotel".
Got out of the room about 11 in the morning discovering that Whip has been out all night trying to find the hotel after a midnight swim in the lake.
Took a cab to find some food, unfortunately the pizza place was closed and we ended up with some sort of asian buffet.
After saying goodbye to the band and crew me and Jeanette had almost 5 hours to kill before taking the train back to Oslo.

Professionals as we are we stepped right into the biggest party in town this Sunday afternoon. It was a really small pub but there was a lot of happy originals with acoustic guitar, Elvis in the speakers and a very hospitable vibe. It didn't take more than 15 minutes before I was forced to play a song on the guitar. I decided to play Oasis, Wonderwall and it was a massive success :)
We weren't allowed to buy our own beers, they spent every dime on us. Our favorite among all the originals in this pub was Samsung, he was a 68 year old Strongman who as recent as last year managed a powerlift of 425 kilos.

After a sentimental goodbye we headed down for our train home, fell asleep immediately and woke up when we rolled in to Oslo.
A big thanks to Vagge and Merlin (our crew) who did a great job this festival.