Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fair Erotica

Today I'm at the Fair Erotica in Stockholm showing up some of the clothes I got from Blitz Design.
It's always nice with some erotica on a Wednesday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Good day at work

Tonight I'm DJing at Marie Laveau in Stockholm. And a great band named Anders Hofman-Bang and the Train is playing. Yeehaa!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Judgement day 21 May 2011

According to Harold Camping and his "Project Caravan" the end of the world starts tomorrow.
So let's pray! Hahaha, kidding!
I'm fascinated by all these fanatics (most of them christian fundamentalists in the US) who manage to convince themselves and others all the time that they have the answer and that it's all in the bible.

I'm gonna neglect all these warnings once again and go to Jonas Renkse's (Katatonia) birthday bash tonight instead of worrying about what god says. The world will come to an end eventually but that will be because us humans didn't take care of our little planet and not because of a bearded man in the sky.

Here's a warning from another guy that claims he understands the bible. That is funny.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gratulerer med dagen!

As you might know I'm half norwegian, so today we celebrated with style on the national day of Norway.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ROCK 2011

Thanks to all the wonderful people who made yesterday's night possible. Especially Johanna at Blitz Design for being the best rock n' roll designer in the world.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Radio Gaga

This morning I got up way too early to attend the morning show at BANDIT radio called RIVSTART.
Me and Johanna from BLITZ DESIGN were there to talk about the upcoming rock event at Olive House in Upplands Väsby on Saturday.
These are some of the clothes I'll be wearing when I get on the catwalk.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today we went to check out the Årsta Mercado. It turned out to be a very nice flea-market, where we made some great deals.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Usama bin Ladin Dead

Well now that they claim he's dead I might have to put Skinny bin Ladin to rest and find a new character to bring out at parties and border controls.
Maybe Kim Jong-il or Ghaddafi?