Thursday, July 21, 2011

US Entry

So I finally made it to Philadelphia. I got held up at the customs for 2 hours by a very suspicious homeland security officer who thought my purpose of the trip was very strange. She went through my bags more than once and everything went very slow.
But I finally made it out to the land of the free and got picked up to be driven home to the Mama Trash house. We had a nice dinner and a lot of drinks with the gang.

I also found a really cool widget for musicians. If you have problems with persistent fans that will say. Haha!


Sarah Showecker said...

I'm so happy you've finally made it to the US! I've been waiting years to see Deathstars play live. Of course, with my horrid luck, I'm not able to actually see you guys play because of a lack of money, and the fact I live in Indianapolis.

Hope you enjoy your time here, and perhaps one day tour around the US? If you do, hit Chicago. I can go there. (:

neko_ral said...

but you love us too much to turn us off...right?

Anonymous said...

I got stopped by security when I went to America too... I had to stay in a room full of suspected illegal immigrants for about two hours, then they asked me like two questions and let me in. Talk about a waste of time!!

GEA said...

The only reason you had problems at the customs is because the homeland security officer is a blogger and saw your Skinny Bin Laden photo ;)
Oh and the Fan On and Off gadget is great! Technological progress just amazes me...