Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tivolirocken in Kristianstad

After a 6 hour drive we're finally in Kristianstad, ready to rock. This is the last show we know of this year so it is whith mixed feelings we enter the stage tonight. Of course it's gonna be fun but we'll see if we want to walk off the stage by free will.


Psychobunny said...

Nice pic - thank you! And have as much fun as you can. They'll probably have to drag you off stage by force but hey - who cares *G*

Unknown said...

Ni var helt klart grymmast!
Satt utanför tivolirock på en staty, men jag såg det mesta.
Såg också dig hoppa fram lite då och då ;)
Är väldigt arg på bandet som stämde och donade, samtidigt som ni spelade. Förstörde en del.
Jaja, Death Dies Hard satt ju som en jag vet inte vad. Bästbäst.
Ja, ha de bra!

Anon said...

-Look at Whip! A true inspiration, and definitely not bad on the eyes.

Yohannanas said...

And it was crazy hot and it was worth the broken rib!

Silmarwen said...

ummmhh, sexy Whip ^_^

Anonymous said...

Inte för att jag är nån hårdrockare direkt men det var ett sånt sjukt bra tryck, jag hade t.o.m gåshud på ku...!! Blev tvungen att beställa er skiva idag... =)

Anonymous said...

Hi skinny. I'm from Mèxico, I hope see you again in the next tour of deathstars!. Why deathstars have not made a cd, dvd live? would be great and if deathstars wants the noisiest crowd on planet earth deathstars nows where search it.
bye bye and BIG KUDOS for Deathstars.
Atte. Killyourtv4321

Therese said...

The shows was great. :) Didn't get into party mood until you guys took the stage. Really glad you decided to come this way one more time, since the previous nearby show got cancelled. But anyway, thanks for an amazing show. The memories (and the pics!) will keep me warm this fall/winter. ;)

Paula said...

Nooooo, Skinny, noooo! Not the last show :( Meh, but next year you guys are expected to come to Germany ;) And if nooooot....*evil look*

kära hälsningar :)

Anonymous said...

Ni var galet bra :)// Lila linnet

Anonymous said...

i swear whip is on the phone in every single picture you take of him...
anyway, hope you had/have fun :)

caseyy(: said...

ahaha look at whip!! great picture(:

<3 you guys

Anonymous said...

i hope you guys come to new york city! that would be epic. i want to go to a deathstars show so badly. you guys are amazing and inspiring =3

GoGo said...

Mmmm! i could eat him up ;P!

Anonymous said...

should have held the stage prisoner made them pay you for it's safe return.