Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Funny YouTube Clips

I'm sorry for not posting much on here this tour. We've had really bad luck with internet in the venues and I also write tour diary for some magazines and websites.
I just would like to share some of the funniest clips I've seen in a long time. If you have more clips you think I should see, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Which web site are you writing for?

djrampage666 said...

Hey, how did you lot get to know I changed my name to Francis and I have put alittle weight on? Lightsabers! YEA! Thats why part of my e-mail is Deathstars as Darh Vader is the dude and not because of a dodgy, pissed up Sweedish band, lol :-)

Skinny Disco said...

I see you removed all visible tattoos too ;-)

that person here. said...


Siz said...
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Siz said...

oh cool :) you write for metal hammer^^
do they translate it to German or do you happen to know German? :)

hm and for funny clips maybe you like this one:

djrampage666 said...

Yep I have rubbed them all off with a wire brush and paint stripper! Go lightsabers!:-)
You caught me out Skinny forgot I was covered in ink!Booking for Oscar to be done in the new year on the 14th when I have some stuff done on my hands. Hope all is going well, give my best to the guys!

Teuta said... You HAVE TO see this. I wonder what would Skinny BinLadin say... =Đ