Monday, May 18, 2009

National Day of Norway

Yesterday me, Jeanette, my dad and my brother went to Skansen in Stockholm to celebrate the 17th of may which is the national day of Norway. Sun was shining and we were feeling happy together with the rest of the 20000 norwegian offsprings that happened to be in the neighbor country this sunday afternoon. Yay!


ZomBie said...

Sweet. Sounds like you had a blast!!! Family time is always nice. Live it up hun!

Vampyria - Deathstars Brazil (São Paulo Support) said...

Very good! Happy for you! Have a good week, Skinny!

Andrea said...

You have a great fortune to be scandinavian. I love that places, expecially Norway and Sweden.
I really hope to move "up there" from Italy one day ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow that sounds so great me and my bf Jezuz went bowling yesterday and I was my 1st time bowling...

I wiped the floor with him I was amazingly good he was scared of how good I was.

I would love for you to meet him Skinny please coem and see us.

Demily said...

a good family day.. one of the best things in all of the world ;)

Anonymous said...

sounds like my kind of good time! have fun!

Anonymous said...


cliaz catt said...

it's always norway, sweden or finland. never denmark. that sucks. alot. yep. skinny, get your pale white, thin ass to denmark and just do something and show all your fans and the rest of the world that denmark exists.

if the countries were schoolkids, sweden and norway would be the popular ones, finland would be the wise in the group, iceland would be the little kid and denmark would be the nerdy one suckin' up to them, licking their feet.
thousands of years ago, we owned ALL of you ! you all came from denmark... assholes ~

Anonymous said...

haha denmar souns like an awesome place! i wanna go there1 ive been trapped in chavvy england my whole life :(
xxx Ash

Anonymous said...

i can splel lol soz i misspelled denmark ooopppssss!!
no offense

kerosene said...

It looks very nice!!
Here is very cloudy :(

Monika said...

why didn`t you got to Norway when your most beloved one is a norwegian chick!:o and why the hell are the norwegian people in Sweden at the most cosy and stressful day at my beautiful Country:o But it`s great that you mention our national day, I`m one proud Norwegian now^^

Anonymous said...

How was it did you have fun there?.
I would love to go abroad but I can't till I'm 18.

I'm 18 on the 4th of November by the way Skinny so pop by and say Happy Birthday on the day for me please please please?

Anyway's Love ya Loads And Jezuz Says 'Hi,How Are Ya Doing?.'