On Friday I woke up at 8 AM.
Hurried away for a meeting at Street before joining up with Bone, Nightmare and Whip at Mosebacke.
They explained Cat missed his train to Stockholm. This was an interesting start of this journey.
Even though flying with Bones "favorite" airline (JAT) we made it safe to Belgrade with just a minor balance problem.
While Whip and Nightmare were doing interviews I took the opportunity to take a nap in my room. When I woke up and stepped outside I met Cat who just arrived. He had been traveling from Karlstad to Copenhagen and then to Berlin before finally arriving at his final destination in Belgrade.
We managed to squeeze in some food and beer time before going to bed.
On Saturday we started shooting the video around noon and finished about 10 PM.
Feeling very good about our selves we got out clubbing until way too early on Sunday morning.
It was probably hard to wake me up and because of this we barely made it in time for the flight.
Well on the plane I fell a sleep and woke up in Stockholm.
After collecting our luggage and passed the security I decided not to go home immediately. So I went up to departure hall and ordered a flight to Oslo.
3 hours later I met up with Jeanette at Gardemoen airport.
Much better than coming home to an empty apartment.
So after dinner at Sara's we bought some ice cream and got comfortable in front of the TV.
I got back to Stockholm today at 1:30 PM and went straight to Mosebacke.