Yesterday we woke up in the outskirts of Paris in a busparking. We went for steaks, burgers and Pina Colada at the local steakhouse.
Thereafter me, Robin, Cat, Orac and Mike jumped on the tube for the center. We found a bar with WiFi and really expensive beers so we didn't stay for long, just headed towards the Eiffel Tower.
I ended the night back on the bus watching "Traitor", "Zeitgeist" and "Team America" before leaving my conscious state of mind.
Hmm... Eiffel Tower looks kinda too small on the photos, I expected something more
Hehe!! Well they stand pretty close to the camera and also the photo was taken quite far away from the tower so that I could fit the whole thing in the picture.
Nice pics, Cat looks like the King Of Paris...i hope you enjoyed the time in Paris, you are so lucky!!
Anyway where are the others? I hope they've not lost :D
"before leaving my conscious state of mind" XD.
I'm sure you had a nice time in Paris. Anyway if once I get there the first thing what I would try is Disneyland. It would be a big fun :P.
Ohh, and Cat looks nice on the last photo :).
welcome in my country !
i'm frenche and algerian but my langage is frenche and i speek english , italian and a little japonese . i love japoneses cartoons ( dragonball z , dragonball , dragonball gt , naruto , naruto shippunden , rozen maiden , inuyasha ) and ...................DEATHSTARS !!!!!!!!
It still looks kinda small)
I bet that was fun being in paris. I've heard the scenery is amazing keep in contact Skinny...
You guys rock.....any plans for a follow up Cd to Night Electric Night or is that in the mix of thinking right now???.
from "Tom" , i was in the crowd at la loco show in Paris.
Thanks skinny for the show at La loco. By the way, the restaurant looks like the Buffalo Grill, right in the front of "la loco", am I right ? Was the meal good ?
It was Buffalo Grill but not that one. It was up in Corentine Cariou.
Alright ^^ Thanks for the answer
The restaurant you went is in a more "safe" location I think.
"Clichy Bld/Avenue", the street where "La Loco" is and also the "Moulin Rouge" by the way, is not very safe by night (kind of "hot" place in Paris). I hope the tour will be fine (no more stolen things in the bus or else.. :( ) The show was so great ! Stay as you are (you seemed a bit more "muscular" than the time I saw you at the Cradle of filth gig, did you trained yourself ?)
Skinny, I have to admit that I'm starting to not only admire, but also be fascinated of you and your work. You're first of all a great musician who do like his fans and despite of the fame Deathstars is gaining, doesn't think it's waste of time to reply your fans, as normal people would. Second, you're a great photographer. I really like the photos you take, no matter if it's bad or high quality cause they all got something in it. Like the water-thing or the photo of Cat, he do really looks like the King (or Queen) of France. And third, how you can drink that much.. Eh.
Well, I just had to say that.
Oh, and it's great you show us that you're still alive despite your week-between-posts.
You fucking rock, and I think you know it.
Me and my Boyfriend Max have split up today and I am really sad about it so is he.
We love each other so much and we both cried when splitting we split up.
half fucking 1 in the morning this morning we fucking split up I'm so sad.
i saw your show in frankfurt/batschkapp and it was great!
i love your music and hope to see you again! best for teh future!
Hej! imorgon (lördag) åker jag 5 timmar för att kolla in er killar i Malmö. Skulle betyda så otroligt mycket om ni kom ut efteråt så att man kan få lite autografer att skryta med här hemma ;)
Lycka till på spelningen och om ni vill vara riktigt snälla kan ni ju tillägna Blood staines blondes till min kompis Elin Karlsson (som är sveriges svar på Pamela Andersson) xD Tack på förhand! kram Ida!
heHmmm... Øl har blitt jævlig dyrt i Paris. Stort sett over hele verden men Paris er vanligvis helt jævlig i forrhold.
Om jeg ikke husker helt feil så er Eifeltårnet laget av norsk kobber sånn btw.
How is Skinny doing having fun???.keep in touch
that's my e-mail address feel free to e-mail me anytime laters Skinny.
I'm making my boyfriend get his dcik pierced in the name of the deathstars
long live the deathstars they will forever rule us...XXX
Good day to you , Skinny. First,nice pictures , It makes think that Paris is marvelous ( not so marvelous in reality but it doesn't matter). And you're damn right, it's too expensive in Paris ( even a parking place). Then , is there some French dates for Deathstars in a near future?
Good job , good band , good bye (lol) and Deathstars rules!!!
Hey Skinny how ya been nice to see that you're enjoying paris and I do agree with the comment posted earleir is half of Bone's tongue missing or what cause it certainly looks like it on the photo.
What is it about adfults that is so fucking shit these days....?.
My boyfriends loves you guys too we both lvoe you loads.
Hi how is mike the roadey doing?
He gave me and my bf beer when we saw you guys he's legend like chris would like to see him again if that is possible at all?.
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