Saturday, August 23, 2008

Routines & Naama-Bay

Friday started off like every other day. Sun lotion, breakfast, sun, swimming & snorkeling in the ocean, beer, sun, swimming, beer and pancakes, sun and so on until the afternoon came up on us and we went up to the pool for a last refreshing cool-off and a beer in the "Deep in Bar".

After dinner we decided to take a cab into Naama-Bay for a couple of drinks. Tourists like we are we first walked into Hard Rock Café for a couple of Heineken then we found a more traditional place called Zaza with over priced drinks but really qualitative entertainment like belly dancing, live music and some guy spinning round and round for one hour. I have a vague memory of showing the staff my Skinny bin Laden trick.

After crashing a salsa bottle in Pizza Hut we decided to call it a night and headed back to the hotel at 4:00 AM.


demoneque01 said...

haha chinese japanese!

Anonymous said...

you guys are amazing i hope you had fun there...
keep in contact kk laters skinny.